Monday, October 12, 2015

Human Being

Day off today. Fire inside today. I love the warmth of the fire and the feeling safe in my home.

Learned something this weekend.

I have been very tired for months, but had a long weekend, so I thought I would take a trip out of town. After getting up early to get all the things done I needed to do around the house, doctor apps, lawn care, laundry, food shopping, etc. before I left, I then preparing for the trip, it was afternoon, by the time I got everything done. Now it is too late to just take a day trip, better pack a sleeping bag, no places available to stay where I am going, so wasn't sure if I was sleeping in a  tent or on someone's floor. Will figure it out when I get there I thought.

Now my back ached, I was hungry and totally worn out. Drove part way to Mountain Home (a lovely drive), turned around, came home, unpacked (took a lot less time) and took a nap. I enjoyed the rest of the day doing nothing.

So, here's the lesson, I decided to stop pushing myself, I can't keep up anymore. I surrender! I want to be a human being not a human doing (first time I heard that it was from my dear friend JoLinda many years ago). It still resonates with me.

I thought why can't I do this anymore?

When I was playing music I had a lot of free time to do take trips and do work on my art and music projects, but full time work changes all that as most of you know, unless you are retired (good for you), So, the gift I give myself now is relaxation and time to contemplate how blessed I am, cooking at home and writing and walks along our beautiful river. Don't have to drive far to experience great Nature walks, etc.

Fall days always makes me feel the most at peace. Maybe it is the cool mornings and how the Sun takes on a warmer glow as it changes its position in the sky from summer to fall.

So, for me over this long weekend has reminded me once again to take it easy, It's not a competition. I don't have to keep up. I am happy in a state of not doing!

Thanks for listening or not. That's okay too! 😉.
Have a beautiful day all!

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