It was brought to my attention, in an email from a friend, that since it has taken a long time for me to finish my book "Playing To The End," I should start a blog and post my essays, so I would feel like I was making some progress, since this little project has been a work in progress for 8 years. I thought she might be on to something. Then I remembered, I had started a blog right after the passing of my Mother known to some as Mama Drama. So, I typed in my name and there it was--my blog. I called it "Of a Sensitive Nature."
I think I need a new title. Until I come up with one, I will call this blog "Overly Enthusiastic Perfectionist" and begin posting my essays. Besides it will save on paper. But, I still want to hold my book in my hands one day and sign copies to give to friends. I want to stand around at a cocktail party and tell everyone I'm an author. I want Oprah to call me and tell me she was moved by my writing. I want to know she relates. I want her to buy me a car too, but that has nothing to do with this rambling. I want to see my book on a shelf at a bookstore, if there are any left by the time I finish this project. So, yes Leslie (the woman who wrote the email suggesting I start a blog) I think a blog is an excellent idea. I am ahead of the game, however; I already have one, so I will begin at the beginning after I take a nap.